Side Effects Of Bodybuilding: Aggression

It is important for one to have a look at the side effects of hgh bodybuilding. The charm of having the perfectly chiseled and well crafted body can at times have severe negative consequences as well, if one does not pay caution to how one should go about this business. Generally, one should adopt a certain way of using steroids and place a system of checks and balances for their use. But bodybuilders generally have an oversight with regards to the side effects while using these steroids. And because of this, they fall prey to a number of side effects of bodybuilding and steroids.

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One of the common side effects of bodybuilding is the development of an aggressive attitude. This generally is a short term side effect of bodybuilding. In terms of the difference between males and females, it is generally observed that males have a greater tendency for aggressive behavior than females. A possible explanation for this is the difference in the levels of the hormone testosterone in males and females. Males generally have up to 10 times the testosterone levels of females, and testosterone is one hormone responsible for aggressive behavior. With the intake of steroids, this difference is exaggerated even more and leads to more aggressive behavior in males. The violent bursts associated with steroid use can be the scarier side of steroid abuse.

The topic of bodybuilding nutrition is one that is hotly contested and for years, research has been carried out to establish whether testosterone is the cause for the same. In recent years, research has been able to conclude that steroid-induced aggression in humans exists as a definite side effect of bodybuilding. This increased aggression can lead to symptoms and issues such as irritability, stress and violence. The naysayers to this type of research allege that only a causal relation exists between aggression and steroid use, and no confirmed result has been achieved. They believe that it might be that aggressive people are more susceptible to steroid abuse and it may not be the other way round. Another point to keep in mind in this debate is that the research conducted for animals establishes a clear link between natural testosterone levels and aggression.

Irrespective of the pros and cons of such a side effects of bodybuilding steroids debate, it is highly important for a steroid user to keep the effects of steroid in mind and try to maintain a balance in the dosages he or she takes, so that any adverse effect can be prevented.

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